I don't usually post content like this, but it seemed to be a bit of a revelation for me and I hope it would be for you as well. Most of us are raised with heavy religious concepts that enslave and haunt us for the rest of our natural life! Over the past 40 years I have been a spiritual seeker trying to get past the words, condemnation, labels, guilt, etc., and dig deep to get to the root- beyond religion and expand into my own true spirit. I was restless with concepts and ideas that seemed so constricting, ideas that limited our potential and connection as humans. After all, it is our purpose to uncover our True Self. So here is the Big Magic (a phrase coined by Elizabeth Gilbert, writer.) I was going through old journals from my teens, why I am not sure. And I came across a bible passage. Now anyone That knows me knows that quoting scripture is not my jam! I recognize the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, and many more writings as all divine spiritually inspired text. However, here was my revelation for this particular verse, a verse that was pounded into my head as a child and young adult in Sunday morning service- and always taking a literal translation as most of us do. So now, here is my expansive 50 year old person version of this beautiful and sacred verse. The verse is " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understating; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5, King James My translation: Trust in the lord... Trust in the divine, magnificent, beneficent, omniscient force that moves through all things, at all times, invisibly and vibrationally apparent in every tree, rock, person, animal, flower... Void of form, but evident in energy vibrating through everything at every second; aligning the planets, feeding the chipmunks and controlling tides....we can hardly call it "him" With all your heart... With every fiber of your consciousness, connect to your True Self, the self that goes beyond any thought and emotion the light of your most radiant being, that always knows what to do, precisely at the right time and place...trust in yourself. And lean not on your own understanding... Some times we forget who we truly are and what we have come here to do...so our understanding of ourselves gets limited by human thought and process, so expand your thought through consciousness to connect to the divine, transcendent energy vibrating through the universe...take a moment to connect, meditate, pray, breath, watch the sun set, kiss your partner, pet your animal...just think of blue skies... In all your ways acknowledge him... ...I will recognize that I have been equipt with millions of cells that have taken millions or more years to develop, expand and deliver into a collective consciousness that goes beyond my ability to understand with a human mind- to give humble THANKS to the life force that enables me to exist. So in doing so I will acknowledge IT ; I will be kinder to myself and others, eat more life enriching food, be conscious of my behavior, realize we are ALL connected, everything is connected - because if I don't recognize that then that puts me fully in ego state- and the sages and sears over the past 3,000 years say humbly that " Ego is suspicious at best, and vicious at worst ," meaning it will literally and physically consume you! ....and finally "He will make your path straight... If we pay attention, and listen to the whispers, the subtle tugs of our heart and humanity, to nature and to our true purpose...we can't help but be lead on this beautiful, eternal pathway of our souls true purpose... "DONT RUSH THROUGH THE EXPERIENCE AND CIRCUMSTANCES THAT HAVE THE MOST CAPACITY TO TRANSFORM YOU..." Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic
Attraversiamo- Italian for "Let's cross over" Elizabeth Gilbert - Eat, Pray, Love.
"At the subatomic level, energy responds to your mindful attention and becomes matter..."
From Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza Inspirational and transformative read for the new year! Joanna Garzilli's book, Unleash The Psychic In You- Is a must read for
all of those who have the desire to know ourselves better, for those who are making the powerful shift from seeking to seeing. Through her own personal experiences she delivers a powerful message of healing, hope and personal transformation. At first, I admit when I began reading the book I thought there might be a little hocus pocus going on. By the middle of the book I was hooked ! Joanna has the reader concentrating on the power of awareness, consciousness, intuition and personal evolution. What was extremely helpful for me, was the tools she offered to get us beyond our own personal walls and make them doors. For example, she guides us through powerful healing techniques, meditations for body awareness, recognizing and identifying specific pain and understanding how to get relief forever. This beautiful gift could not have come at a better time, as I am in a complete life shift. Thank you Joanna, this has been one of the most soulfully connective reads for me over the past decade! Peace in the new year. Richard Monteleone I remember a time when I was looking beyond, way beyond the ORDINARY stuff in life to make me feel excited and passionate. "I don't really see my work as "sculptures" but more as instruments: a matrix, receivers and senders -receiving light, instruments of evocation, intermediate objects serving as access to the non physical. I want them to engage more than their description. They are the visible elements of a greater phenomena. I make things that physically exist only to locate that which does not...the airless world seems to often miss the point.- I am in the transportation business..." Chritopher Wilmarth